注目情報 記事一覧
- 2024.10.07 [pm 15:00更新]
- 【10/7(月)更新】曽木発電所遺構の見学を再開しました
- 2024.10.05 [pm 12:00更新]
- 【10/5(土)更新】伊佐市大口大田の「ヒガンバナ」開花状況 #令和6年シーズン終了
- 2024.10.04 [pm 17:10更新]
- 【10/11(金)午後6時までに予約!】『ISAこども食堂』の開催について(10/12 土曜)
The Isa City homepage is translated by using the free translation service of an external site.
It is because of being mechanically translated when it is not a correct translation.
Please acknowledge being not able to assume all the responsibilities in the Isa City even if the mistake etc.
done by the accuracy of the translation are found beforehand.
注目情報 記事一覧